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Chicken Scaloppine with Cream and White Wine


[wysija_form id=”2″]Looking for a nice recipe for the weekend? If you like chicken, white wine and cream  this is your dish. Super-easy like most of my recipes  it will surprise you with an incredible flavor.   photos by Coco Zordan

The Recipe



Prep time

10 min.

Cooking time

20 min.


  • thin cut chicken breast cutlets 8

  • (unbleached) white flour about 1/2 cup

  • heavy whipping cream 1/4 cup

  • lemon juice 1/2 lemon

  • salt and black pepper

  • extra-vergin olive oil (or butter) 1/4 cup enough to cover the pan bottom

  • dry white wine ( Orvieto or any Pinot Grigio) 1/3 cup

  • (opt.) black sesame seeds or poppy seeds for decoration


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If you bought the whole breasts cut them into thin slices. Flour the meat. If you don’t own a mallet you can flatten the slices by using your fist.

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Cover a large pan with olive oil (I prefer X olive oil to butter, it’s healthier). Add the floured slices to the pan and cook them on low-medium on each sides until golden-brown.  You can cover the pan with a lid to keep them softer. Without  lid they’ll become crispier.


When completely cooked (about 10 minutes on each part) add salt, pepper and 1/3 c. wine.

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Let the wine evaporate (for a few minutes until you don’t smell its scent anymore) and then add cream and lemon juice or lemon zest.  Simmer for a few minutes on low and serve immediately.


Here served with a green salad dressed with Vinaigrette and brown rice/quinoa on the side.

NOTE.: you can prepare the meat in advance and add the cream and juice at the last minute. Leftovers (with cream) stay in the fridge only for a couple of days and can be heated up on a low fire covered with a lid. You may need to add some milk to the sauce to make it looser.

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