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German-Style Potato Salad with Yogurt and Chive


The potato salad is a delicate and delicious side dish, suitable to accompany main courses of meat or fish.
In this recipe, the potatoes are first boiled and then seasoned with a tasty sauce made with yogurt, mayonnaise and mustard and enriched with chives and parsley .
The potato salad, ideal to be used both in summer and in winter, can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. photos coco zordan

The Recipe



Prep time

5 min.

Cooking time



  • 2 lb. Potatoes

  • 2 Tbs. chive chopped

  • 125 gr. plain yogurt (oz 4.5)

  • 2 Tbs. mayonnaise

  • 1 Tbs. italian parsley

  • 1 1/2 tsp. mustard

  • pepper and salt to taste



boil potatoes (with or without skin in salted water), let them cool down (peel them if you cook them with the skin)  and refrigerate at least for a couple of hours. They’ll be easier to cut.

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cut potatoes in big pieces, finely chop chive and parsley

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in a bowl mix yogurt, 2 Tbs mayo, 1 1/2 tsp. mustard, chopped herbs, salt and pepper. Add to potatoes, mix well, taste if more salt and pepper are needed. Serve with fish or meat.

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