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Raw-Artichoke Salad with Arugula and Parmigiano Slivers


Besides being delicious, artichokes contain a wide array of nutrients. One of their most notable benefits, known to numerous cultures for hundreds of years, is their ability to cleanse the liver and purify the blood.

While this is no secret in traditional remedies, modern science is just recently catching up to the knowledge that artichokes can indeed be highly beneficial to the liver. photos coco zordan

Researchers have attributed the liver-cleansing properties of artichokes most especially to two phytonutrients: cynarin and silymarin… 

The Recipe

Prep time

15 min.


  • lemon halved 2

  • baby artichokes 5-6

  • (big artichokes) 2-3

  • Parmigiano slivers 1 cup

  • salt and black pepper to taste

  • opt. washed baby arugula

  • XV olive oil


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Prepare a bowl of acidulated water: into a large bowl of water  squeeze in the juice from one lemon. You can toss in the 2 halves of the squeezed lemon. This is to avoid that the artichokes turn brown (oxidize), so you must set up the bowl with the acidulated water before starting.

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Working with 1 artichoke at a time, first “top and tail” the artichoke with your knife peel off the tough green outer leaves till you see the lighter  green color underneath. Trim off the tough outer layer of the stem. Artichokes have a lot of waste, have your compost bin handy.

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with a knife or scissors remove the “hair” inside the stem and check for possible thorns, place the cleaned artichokes into the acidulated water. If your artichokes have no “hair” it means they are very fresh.

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Very carefully, using a sharp knife, (or a mandoline) cut the artichokes into very thin slices,

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and as soon as you put them in a serving plate wet them immediately with some lemon juice.  If you’re not eating them immediately you can leave them in the acidulated water in the fridge till ready to serve. The artichokes will tenderize a little if kept in the water for a couple of hours which is good : )
Put the artichokes, (arugula) and Parmigiano-Reggiano in a large serving bowl. Dress with the juice of the remaining lemon, finishing oil and salt, to taste. The salad should be well-dressed and full flavored but not soggy.

If you are adding the arugula put it underneath the artichokes slices. Then the artichokes and finish with the slivers of Parmigiano. Also celery can be a nice addition as well as raw mushrooms.

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