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Frittata di Maccheroni – Leftover Pasta Frittata


Although it’s not often that we have leftover pasta, when this is the case a great way to use it is as a pasta frittata.  All you do is mix your leftovers with eggs and grated cheese, perhaps some minced parsley/basil for color, and a bit of salt and pepper if it needs it. Then proceed as you would for any frittata, although I like to follow Mark Bittman’s advice and I like to put it in the oven for a few minutes to get a crispy golden-brown top.photos coco zordan

La frittata di maccheroni, one of the iconic dishes of Neapolitan cuisine, is typically a warm weather dish perfect for a picnic that can be ‘dressed up’ in a number of ways.

The Recipe



Prep time

10 min.

Cooking time

20 min.


  • about 1 lb cooked pasta

  • 2-3 eggs

  • 3-4 Tbs of grated parmesan or other cheese

  • salt and pepper tt

  • (opt) a few sprigs of fresh italian parsley and/or basil fienly minced

  • 2 Tbs olive oil for cooking enough for slightly cover the bottom of the pan


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If using leftover cooked pasta, chop it up. (Note: If using dried pasta, bring a large pot of water to a boil, and salt it. Cook pasta until barely tender, somewhat short of where you would normally cook it. Drain, and immediately toss it in a wide bowl with half the butter or oil. Cool it a bit.)

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Heat oven to 450 F degrees. Put oil in a large nonstick ovenproof skillet, and turn heat to medium.

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In large bowl, combine pasta with remaining ingredients (eggs,cheese,chopped herbs), along with salt and pepper

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Pour into skillet, and turn heat to medium-low. Use a spoon if necessary to even out top of frittata. Cook undisturbed until mixture firms up on bottom, then transfer to oven.

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Bake just until top is set, about 10 minutes. Remove, and serve hot or at room temperature.

Buon Appetito with the Frittata di Maccheroni!

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