Maltagliati – Traditional Pasta Fresca from Emilia and Tuscany


The maltagliati are irregular pieces of egg pasta usually produced from the scraps of the pasta with which the tagliatelle or the lasagne are made.

They have different shapes, from triangles, to strips, to round or rhombus shapes and also vary in thickness and size.

This particular uneven pasta is characteristic of the Emilia Romagna region and of Lucca (Tuscany).

As probable food for the poor, recipes for maltagliati generally call for simple, inexpensive ingredients. The most classic use of maltagliati is in bean soup but they are great with any vegetables or with mushrooms.


  • Dough
  • 600 g. unbleached flour (and more for the countertop)

  • 6 eggs

  • 2 tsp fine sea salt


  • make a fountain in the flour and add eggs one by one
    mix with a fork slowly incorporating the flour
  • with the help of a dough scraper start mixing the dough by hand until the dough results smooth and compact. Let it rest wrapped in plastic foil or covered by a slightly-moist towel for 20 minutes.
  • cut a small piece of dough and start making the ‘lasagnas’ the flat layers of pasta.
  • overlap 3 or 4 lasagne, with the help of a sharp knife first cut the lasagne in the middle by the length and then start cutting squares or diamonds. Spread generously with flour to avoid that they stick together.
  • cook immediately – they cook in a few minutes – or let them dry and use within a few days.
  • Here shown with a mushroom tomato sauce

The Recipe


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